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Delhi’s Schools of Specialised Excellence Announce Aptitude Test Schedule for Class XI Admissions 2023-2024

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Delhi’s Schools of Specialised Excellence Announce Aptitude Test Schedule for Class XI Admissions 2023-2024


Directorate of Education has declared the schedule of aptitude tests for admission to Class XI in the Schools of Specialised Excellence, Delhi, for the academic session 2023-2024. These aptitude tests are going to be conducted from July 20 to July 23. A variety of streams will be involved, viz., STEM, Humanities, and Armed Forces Preparatory School.

Delhi Govt School

The Schools of Specialised Excellence will be a set of schools that provide special talent development opportunities for their students. Their curriculum is even more advanced, featuring specialized training for those who show aptitude and interest in chosen disciplines. This sets the students apart for these schools based on an upcoming aptitude test, which is going to assess competence and preparedness for a challenging academic environment.

The Aptitude Test Schedule is as follows in detail:

STEM ( Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics )

– Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB): The testing will be based on the understanding and proficiency levels in these core science subjects that are very important for professional pursuits in medicine, biological research, or other related fields.

 – Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics: This stream of students goes towards engineering, the physical sciences, and technology. It will test their grasp of mathematical concepts, chemical principles, and physical theories.

Humanities: The humanities stream shall test students based on knowledge and analytical skills in subjects such as History, Political Science, Geography, and Economics. It caters to students who have a vested interest in pursuing a career in the social sciences, law, education, and public administration.

– AFPS: This will be aimed at students with aspirations to join the armed forces. It shall assess their aptitude regarding general knowledge, reasoning abilities, and physical fitness and prepare them for rigorous training and education in military academies.

The admission is highly competitive in these schools, hence students and parents should therefore be well prepared for these tests. The format of the test and areas which students should focus on—basically subject knowledge and problem-solving ability—have also been suggested by the Directorate of Education.

These aptitude tests are major opportunities for students to gain admission into focused education and training as a means to successful careers of their liking.


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