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Indian Delegation Shines at International Physics Olympiad 2024

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Indian Delegation Shines at International Physics Olympiad 2024


Displaying an awe-inspiring range of talent and intellect, the Indian delegation to the International Physics Olympiad, held in Isfahan, Iran, from 21st July to 29th July 2024, secured the overall fourth position. The team consisted of five students of rare talent who captured two gold and three silver medals to make the nation feel proud on the international scene.

The Medalists

The gold medalists, Rhythm Kedia and Ved Lahoti, along with silver medalists Akarsh Raj Sahay, Bhavya Tiwari, and Jaiveer Singh, gave their best in the grueling theoretical competition that lasted for five hours. Problems solved by them range from complex topics on models of global warming due to the greenhouse effect, ions trapped using the Paul trap, and dynamics of the accreting binary star system .

JEE 2024 Success

Interestingly, all five of them have also appeared in the very challenging entrance test for engineering colleges in India known as the Joint Entrance Examination 2024. Their performance was outstanding, with Ved Lahati at AIR 1, Kedia at AIR 4, Tiwari at AIR 19, and Singh at AIR 89. This double success thus brought to the fore the rigors of preparation and exceptional capabilities that these young scholars possess.

Experiences and Insights in Personal Life

According to Bhavya Tiwari, participation in the IPhO was a ‘fabulous’ experience as he got a chance to visit a new country and interact with the like-minded students coming from different parts of the world. He complimented the warm hospitality of Iranian people and further added that the physics learning in India seems more theoretical, hence only a practical approach may help this system to perform much better at the international level.

Jaiveer Singh, who ranked AIR 89 in JEE, stated that his Olympiad journey began in Class 8. He shared that what really boosted his understanding of the subject of physics, thus helping build a very strong platform for both examinations, was the overlap between the syllabi of two—JEE and Olympiad.

Future Aspirations

The silver-medalist Akarsh Raj Sahay, looking ahead, plans to pursue higher education in Physics at Oxford University and balancing the preparation for Olympiad and JEE. He stressed that the trick of succeeding in multiple pursuits is basically the prioritization of things and good time management.


The feats that the Indian delegation achieved at IPhO 2024 are a testimony to the fact that this was not only a result of personal brilliance but also brought to the fore that Indian students can do wonders on the global platform. It is this commitment to excellence and passion for the subject that makes these young minds able to contribute much in Physics and beyond.

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