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Importance Of Learning The Psychology Of Money And Its Impact On Our Lives From Early Age


Importance Of Learning The Psychology Of Money And Its Impact On Our Lives From Early Age


Money plays a significant role in every individual’s life, and as we grow up, we tend to forget about the thin line between spending wisely and spending frivolously. In one’s childhood, the wealth of knowledge comes across various life facets, not just through formal education at school or at home. Nowadays, as times have evolved, it is highly believed that every child must have the capacity to project a sense of spending wisely rather than impulsively. The essentials of financial literacy come into play at every stage of life. The exposure of having schools inculcating subjects like Financial Literacy as an integral part of the curriculum serves as an advantage in today’s education system.

Various educational institutes, such as Orchids The International School, project multiple innovative learning subjects for students to provide them with the best education starting from an early stage. Yet, how often do we truly understand the psychology behind it? Orchids International School, with its innovative financial literacy curriculum, aims to empower young minds by unravelling the mysteries of money and its impact on our lives. Let’s deep dive into the fascinating world of finance and discover how it shapes one’s thoughts, behaviours, and aspirations.

  • The Power of Mindset: From the moment we are introduced to money, our perception begins to take shape. Orchids International School recognizes the importance of fostering a positive mindset towards money. By teaching students to view money as a tool for growth and a means to achieve their goals, the school sets the stage for a lifetime of financial empowerment.
  • Understanding Emotional Triggers: Money has the power to evoke a range of emotions, from joy and security to stress and fear. The curriculum at Orchids delves into the emotional side of finance, helping students identify their own emotional triggers. By developing emotional intelligence around money matters, students learn to make informed decisions and avoid impulsive behaviours driven by their emotions.
  • The Art of Budgeting: Budgeting is a vital skill that enables individuals to take control of their finances. By teaching students the art of budgeting, they learn the value of prioritizing their expenses, setting financial goals, and making mindful choices.
  • Nurturing Responsible Spending Habits: In today’s consumer-driven society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of mindless spending. At Orchids, the curriculum emphasizes responsible spending habits to instill a sense of financial discipline. Students learn to differentiate between needs and wants, make informed purchase decisions, and develop the habit of saving for the future. By fostering these responsible habits, the school prepares students for a financially secure future.
  • Developing a Philanthropic Outlook: By integrating lessons on giving back and making a positive social impact, the school helps students understand that money can be a tool for creating a better world. Through initiatives such as community service projects and fundraising activities, students learn the joy of giving and the true meaning of wealth.
  • Investment and Entrepreneurial Mindset: Beyond budgeting and spending, Orchids International School encourages students to explore the realms of investment and entrepreneurship. By introducing concepts such as saving, investing, and starting a small business, the curriculum ignites their entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Developing a Philanthropic Outlook: By integrating lessons on giving back and making a positive social impact, the school helps students understand that money can be a tool for creating a better world. Through initiatives such as community service projects and fundraising activities, students learn the joy of giving and the true meaning of wealth.


Orchids International School empowers young minds with essential financial literacy skills, fostering a positive mindset, emotional intelligence, budgeting skills, responsible spending habits, investment knowledge, and a philanthropic outlook. Embracing financial literacy unlocks possibilities for our children, enabling informed decisions and a positive impact on their lives and society.

Anjali Dhar, Principal, Orchids The International School, Rajendranagar, Indore

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