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Navigate Responsibly in the digital world through Media Literacy


Navigate Responsibly in the digital world through Media Literacy


Are we analogue creatures in the digital world? With the internet and social media at our elbows, we have access to an unprecedented amount of information, but is all of it reliable or accurate? Therefore, it is critical to have the skills to evaluate and analyze the information we encounter.

Media literacy is defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms. It is not just about understanding how to use technology but also understanding the messages and values that media convey. The ability to critically evaluate media is essential to make informed decisions, especially in a world where information is easily accessible but also easily manipulated.

Here are some reasons why media literacy is crucial in the digital world:

Avoiding misinformation and fake news

The internet has made it easier for false information to spread rapidly. Social media algorithms are designed to show us content that we are likely to engage with, which often means that we are exposed to news stories and opinions that align with our existing beliefs. This can create “echo chambers” where we only see information that confirms our biases. Media literacy skills can help us identify sources of misinformation, fact-check claims, and make informed decisions based on accurate information.


Developing critical thinking skills

Media literacy is not just about consuming media; it is also about creating media. It involves understanding how media messages are constructed and being able to deconstruct them. Developing these critical thinking skills can help us identify biases, stereotypes, and hidden agendas in media messages.


Building digital citizenship

Media literacy is a vital component of digital citizenship, which refers to the responsible use of technology. As digital citizens, we have a responsibility to use technology ethically and to contribute positively to online communities. Media literacy skills can help us understand how our online behaviour impacts others and how we can use technology to create positive change.

Navigating digital media safely

The internet can be a dangerous place, and media literacy skills can help us navigate digital media safely. We need to be aware of the risks associated with sharing personal information online, and we need to know how to protect ourselves from cyberbullying, online harassment, and other digital threats.

Enhancing communication skills

Media literacy involves being able to communicate effectively through various media forms, including text, images, and video. It also involves understanding the nuances of different media platforms and being able to tailor our messages accordingly. These skills are essential in today’s digital world, where we communicate with each other through social media, email, and other digital channels.

Media literacy helps us navigate the overwhelming amount of information that is available to us, develop critical thinking skills, build digital citizenship, and digital media safely, and enhance our communication skills. As the digital world continues to evolve, media literacy skills are consequential, and individuals who possess these skills are better equipped for self-expression, creativity and becoming an informed citizenry.

Dr. Priyanka Sachdeva

Dr. Priyanka Sachdeva is presently working as an Assistant Professor (Guest), at the Delhi School of Journalism, the University of Delhi(under Govt. of India), New Delhi, India. She is the IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) Ph.D Ambassador, India. She is a Research Associate for the major Research Project of ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) on the topic of Youth and Social Media Engagement. She is a teaching assistant at SWAYAM MOOCs Course ‘Society and Media’ an initiative by The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. She is a PhD from the University School of Mass Communication, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (under Govt. NCT), Her area of interest includes Media Literacy, Youth, Digital Media, ICT, political engagement, opinion formation and Research. She has convened a National conclave (2022) and an International webinar (2023) for IAMCR. She has contributed her best efforts towards MOOC(Massive Open Online resources) through e-text, videos and e-learning. Dr. Sachdeva has published book chapters and research papers in renowned books and journals and presented research papers internationally and nationally.

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