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Upskilling programmes help IT professionals future-proof their careers: Survey


Upskilling programmes help IT professionals future-proof their careers: Survey


According to the Emeritus India Impact Survey, more than 80% of IT industry professionals who participated in upskilling programs were able to future-proof their careers.

Emeritus, a professional education provider, conducted the survey and found that professionals in the software and IT services industry greatly benefited from the skills and training provided by upskilling programs. As Deloitte’s 2023 report indicates, a skills gap is inevitable as emerging technologies transform workplaces worldwide.

By 2030, the World Economic Forum estimates that over 50% of the global workforce, or around 1 billion people, will need to be reskilled due to fast-evolving job roles and emerging new ones. The Emeritus India Impact Survey 2022 found that professionals and companies in the software and IT services, technology, and innovation domains are increasingly interested in upskilling.

The survey shows that the technology sector is the largest industry witnessing upskilling demand. The survey also found that over 80% of technology and innovation industry professionals reported learning valuable tools and strategies that they could immediately apply to their work.

Additionally, 87% of the surveyed professionals said that the programs provided them with the skills and training needed to advance in their careers. Finally, two-thirds of the professionals surveyed reported building the confidence needed to move ahead on the corporate ladder and were also certain that the knowledge, skills, tools, and strategies they learned from the professional upskilling programs helped future-proof their careers.

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