TimesPro 75% CAGR Reports Resilience in EdTech

Amidst the recalibration of India’s flourishing Edtech domain, prompted by a deceleration in online learning, TimesPro—the Higher Edtech enterprise of The Times Group—has defied prevailing market trajectories by achieving a remarkable 75% CAGR in net revenues over the last three years and reported overall profitability and growth across several metrics.
TimesPro management asserted that the company surpassed ₹850 crore in revenue for FY24, thus cementing its status as a leading H.Edtech player. Notably, in FY24, TimesPro also achieved a remarkable 140% increase in EBITDA compared to the previous year.
Vineet Jain, Managing Director, The Times Group, reiterated TimesPro’s mission to democratise access to quality education and skills through technology. He said, “As an Indian education brand, we are excited to further the national vision of becoming the global skills capital of the world. Our continued growth at TimesPro is testimony to our vision of making quality education and new-age skills widely accessible through technology across the learner life cycle.”
TimesPro’s primary business model is to provide holistic upskilling and learning solutions spanning the entire adult learning life cycle – starting from vocational training in schools to early-career skilling programmes for graduates to executive and leadership upskilling and reskilling programmes. The brand delivers its courses through a custom-built learning experience platform that brings students, academia and employers together and thus drives the entire value chain for learners. The brand’s offerings are vast in terms of their pricing, promised outcomes to learners and the mode of delivery: from F2F vocational training offered free to learners in government schools to low-cost online job skilling to high impact online EMBA degree programmes from IIMs and IITs.
TimesPro has also incubated and built a thriving enterprise training business that offers state-of-the-art capability building programmes for the managerial pool in corporate and government entities. These include the development of core leadership and technology skills, thereby ensuring that professionals thrive in today’s dynamic landscape. TimesPro has also further diversified its offerings in the Government funded skilling space and currently works with the skilling initiatives of both the central and state governments.
Anish Srikrishna, CEO, TimesPro said “The TimesPro team has displayed remarkable agility and learner focus to realise this kind of profitable growth. Now, the task is to build on this excellent base and grow by 5X of our current size over the next three years. We will get there with calibrated investments in technology, a carefully curated library of platform offerings for all our stakeholders while keeping true to our vision of making excellence accessible and affordable at scale.”