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CuriousJr Empowers 750+ MP School Children With Mobile Coding & App Creation


CuriousJr Empowers 750+ MP School Children With Mobile Coding & App Creation


CuriousJr, India’s leading mobile-based coding platform for K12 students, has successfully empowered students from various locations in Madhya Pradesh, including Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior, and Jabalpur, to learn coding and develop a wide range of apps on their mobile phones. With a focus on accessibility, CuriousJr has enabled over 750 school students, mainly from remote areas of the state, to acquire valuable coding skills.

In today’s digital age, coding has become an essential skill, and CuriousJr is committed to making it accessible to all students. Through its user-friendly interface and interactive learning modules, the platform caters to students of diverse ages and backgrounds.

Mridul Ranjan Sahu, Co-founder and CEO of Curious Jr, stated, “Our primary objective has always been to democratize coding education and ensure its availability to a wide range of students. We are thrilled by the enthusiastic response of students in Madhya Pradesh, who have embraced our platform, honed their coding skills, and unleashed their creative potential to develop groundbreaking applications. Our ultimate goal is to ignite a passion for coding in more students and inspire them to pursue careers in the dynamic field of technology.”

CuriousJr’s initiative has provided an opportunity for school children in Madhya Pradesh, who have a passion for coding but lack access to laptops, to learn coding and develop their own apps using smartphones. Through this initiative, students have gained valuable problem-solving and critical-thinking skills while nurturing their creativity.

Anurag Sharma, a student from Bhopal, shared his experience, stating, “My journey with CuriousJr over the past year has been nothing short of wonderful, offering an incredible learning experience. It has made coding engaging and captivating for me. I have discovered a whole new world of possibilities and found coding to be remarkably intriguing. I am immensely grateful to CuriousJr for providing me with such an enriching experience!”

CuriousJr’s efforts in Madhya Pradesh are just the beginning of their mission to make coding accessible to all, regardless of their geographical or socioeconomic background. The platform continues to enhance its features and expand its reach to enable more students to learn coding and develop invaluable skills for the future.

With the aim of enabling students without laptop access to learn coding on their mobile devices, considering that 88% of K12 students in India lack laptop accessibility, CuriousJr innovates coding for small displays, empowering students to study and code on mobile devices. The increased awareness about coding during the COVID lockdown led to the government making it a mandatory subject in the school curriculum. However, a significant number of users and schools still lack access to laptops or desktop computers, creating a challenge for mobile-based coding education. CuriousJr strives to bridge this gap, providing coding education access to individuals across the country.


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