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Four Quick Tips To Boost Productivity At Workplace

Higher Education

Four Quick Tips To Boost Productivity At Workplace


“Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly running on a hamster wheel, never quite reaching your full potential in the workplace?

Be it working from a designated spot in the house or dashing out of the door to reach office, we sometimes struggle to retain attention and not fall behind.

Here’s a few tricks to mindfully increase productivity at home or at your workplace:

Pause for a moment

Inhale and exhale! Having back-to-back meetings reduces your capacity to concentrate and increases stress.

Our brains need to ‘refresh’ and lessen meeting weariness, which has increased in this post pandemic world. Taking breaks is crucial for productivity, even though it may seem counterproductive.

Book focus time – It might be difficult to find time to concentrate on work when there are a lot of distractions and back-to-back meetings going on. Block a few hours on your calendar each day for focus time so you can complete work without interruptions rather than trying to cram work into the small gaps between meetings. Microsoft Viva Insights reduces notifications from Teams chats and calls during certain times. You can even locate and schedule focus time automatically in Microsoft Teams to ensure you don’t miss out.


It’s time to take charge of the time you spend each day and prioritize your tasks accordingly. Pick no more than five hobbies, which could be anything including job, family time or fitness. Set exact start and end timings for each priority and concentrate on completing as much as you can in those time windows.

Habit Stacking 

Habit stacking combines a fresh, brief action or habit with an already established one. You can start prioritizing your tasks before your workday even starts by creating your own to-do list for the day.

You can set a reminder for this habit by adding an invitation to your calendar or making a task list in Microsoft Teams app.

Use these quick hacks to reboot your brain and start boosting your productivity at work!


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