JEE-Advanced 2023 Sees 76% Sign-up Rate from JEE-Main Qualifiers

About 61.5% of applicants who passed the JEE-Main in 2022 registered for the JEE-Advanced; by 2023, that number had risen to 76%. After years of a steady decline in the number of applicants signing up for JEE Advanced from 2014 to 2022, this is a major increase.
Nearly 1.9 lakh of the 2.5 lakh exam qualifiers have signed up for the entrance exam for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Out of these, 44,000 girls and 1.46 lakh boys make up the total.
Around 58.1% of applicants enrolled to take the final exam in 2021, compared to about 64.1 for the Advanced exam in 2020. A consistent decline over the years was also seen, with the numbers falling to 79%, 78.6%, 77.4%, 71.7%, and 71.7% in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively.
Only 1.46 lakh of the 1.9 lakh boys who had qualified for JEE Advanced actually showed up for the exam. Even though 60,000 girls had qualified overall, only 44,000 of them signed up for the JEE Advanced. For the June 4 test, 400 Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) candidates have enrolled, compared to more than 100 foreign nationals for the JEE Advanced. There are no testing facilities abroad.
All applicants must show up at the examination location, which must be an Indian exam centre.