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Indian Students Face Wealth of Challenges in Finding Employment After Studying Abroad

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Indian Students Face Wealth of Challenges in Finding Employment After Studying Abroad


Many students in India view studying abroad as a pathway to career success, but new research indicates that finding a job after returning home can be a significant challenge.

Despite the potential advantages of studying in foreign countries, such as exposure to new cultures and better educational opportunities, many Indian students face difficulties finding employment.

According to the latest education ministry data, more than 770,000 Indian students went abroad to study in 2022, a six-year high. This is despite a report by the Indian government that only 22% of Indian students who studied abroad between 2015 and 2019 were able to secure employment upon returning home. Several challenges faced by returning students include the need for recognition of foreign degrees, visa restrictions, language barriers, and a lack of local connections and networks.

One of the primary issues faced by Indian students is the lack of recognition of their foreign degrees and diplomas in the job market. Local employers often prefer local qualifications and experience, putting foreign-educated students at a disadvantage.

In addition to this, the COVID-19 pandemic in the previous years has had a significant impact on job prospects for returning students. Many businesses have faced financial challenges and have reduced their hiring, while others have increased their preference for local candidates due to travel restrictions and health concerns.

To overcome these challenges, experts recommend that students take a proactive approach to building their careers while studying abroad. This may involve seeking out internships and part-time jobs, networking with local professionals, and improving their language and cultural skills.

It is also crucial for students to research job prospects and opportunities in their home countries before choosing to study abroad. Such research can help students make more informed decisions about their education and career goals.

Students should also take advantage of the resources and support available while studying abroad and after returning home. Career services, mentorship programs, and alumni networks can help students connect with potential employers and build their careers over the long term.

“Studying abroad can be a transformative experience for students, but they must be aware of the potential challenges they may face when returning home. As stakeholders in international education, it is our responsibility to provide students with the resources, guidance, and support they need to succeed in their careers. This may involve developing partnerships with local employers, promoting cross-cultural communication and understanding, and fostering alumni networks to help students build their professional connections,” shares Sanjay Laul, CEO and Founder of Canada-based education management company M Square Media (MSM).

“By working together, we can ensure that studying abroad remains a valuable and rewarding experience for students, both during and after their education,” he adds.

Studying abroad can be a valuable experience, but according to experts, Indian students must be prepared to overcome challenges in finding employment upon their return. By taking a proactive approach to building their careers, researching job prospects, and leveraging available resources, students can increase their chances of success and achieve their career goals both at home and abroad.


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