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Chandrayaan Missions: All You Need To Know

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Chandrayaan Missions: All You Need To Know


On the 22nd October 2008 ISRO launched its first moon mission Chandryaan-1. Chandrayaan-1 was based on a module called Moon Impact Probe. Chandrayaan-1 was a success as its CHACE ( Chandra’s Altitudnal Composition Explorer) successfully landed on the moon’s surface. Making India the 4th country to have successfully touched the surface of the moon. More information regarding the surface of the moon was sent over by Chandrayaan-1. One of the biggest discoveries included the presence of water on the moon.

On 6th september 2019 ISRO launches its second moon mission named Chandrayaan-2 it was a land rover mission and was supposed to land on the 6th september 2019, but unfortunately due to some software glitch the spacecraft lost its contact with ISRO before landing and the mission was declared unsuccessful. 

Four years later, ISRO was back with another moon mission Chandrayaan-3 made with the latest technology, more sturdy equipments and better software. Chandrayaan- 3 was launched on the 14th July 2023 after achieving its orbit on the 1st August 2023, it landed successfully on the surface of the moon on 23rd August 2023 making it a historic moment in the history of the world. 

The successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 has made India the first ever country to land on the south pole of the moon. Its rover Vikram Lander has proficiently touched the surface of the moon and it all set to provide the world with some new discoveries of the moon.  


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