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“One Nation, One Student ID”

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“One Nation, One Student ID”


Dr. Maithili Tambe, CEO of The Academy School (TAS), envisions a transformative educational landscape through the innovative concept of “One Nation, One Student ID.” This visionary initiative seeks to integrate and unify our educational system, paving the way for a more efficient and high-quality educational experience for students across the nation.

One of the primary pillars of this initiative is the introduction of a unique identification system for students, aptly referred to as the “Student ID.” This ID (Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR) ID ) acts as a digital key, unlocking a world of possibilities and streamlining a student’s academic journey. Through the “One Nation, One Student ID” program, students will be able to maintain a comprehensive digital record of their academic achievements, accessible via Digilocker, the government’s digital wallet.

It empowers educational institutions to operate more efficiently and provide a higher quality of education. With the use of this special ID, students will be able to keep all their academic information in Digilocker, the government’s digital wallet, along with information on their extracurricular and athletic achievements, which they can later use to apply for jobs and higher education. This system enhances security, ensuring that every student is easily identifiable.

It’s a forward-thinking approach that recognizes the transformative potential of digitization in the field of education, and it’s a giant step toward a more efficient and student-centric educational landscape. In the years to come, the “One Nation, One Student ID” initiative promises to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of education in our country.


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