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Balancing Education: Learning vs. Studying in Modern Schools


Balancing Education: Learning vs. Studying in Modern Schools


The concept of schools as the second home for students is deeply ingrained in our society. Parents send their children to school with the hope that it will not only impart knowledge but also instill values, critical thinking skills, and a love for learning. However, as the education system continues to evolve, one cannot help but wonder: are these coding, AI, cyber-attack, coaching-centre webinar, wellness programmes helpful for a students growth?

The answer is – Yes. When we consume things in a limited quantity that benefit our health. The same rule applies on such activities.

The Learning-Studying Dilemma

The distinction between learning and studying is crucial. Learning involves the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and a deep understanding of various subjects. It encourages curiosity, creativity, and the application of knowledge to real-life situations. Studying, on the other hand, often revolves around rote memorization, exam preparation, and achieving high grades without necessarily gaining a deeper understanding of the material.

Standardized Testing and the Pressure to Study

One of the driving forces behind the shift from learning to studying is the prevalence of standardized testing. Educational systems around the world frequently rely on standardized tests to assess students’ knowledge and allocate resources to schools. This has inadvertently led to a ‘teach to the test’ approach where teachers and students focus on exam-specific content rather than a holistic, knowledge-centered education.

The pressure to excel in these exams often results in students cramming information into their minds, regurgitating it during exams, and promptly forgetting it afterward. The emphasis on grades can overshadow the joy of learning, and students may become discouraged when they don’t meet these academic expectations.

Shifting the Focus Back to Learning

To shift the focus back to learning in our schools, a few key changes can be implemented:

  1. Emphasize critical thinking: Encourage students to ask questions, explore topics deeply, and think critically about the subjects they are studying.
  2. Real-life application: Show students the real-world relevance of what they’re learning. This can instill a sense of purpose and motivation to learn.
  3. Reduce the pressure: It’s essential to reduce the undue pressure placed on students to excel in exams. A more balanced assessment system that considers various aspects of a student’s development is needed.
  4. Encourage creativity: Schools should provide opportunities for students to express themselves creatively and explore their interests.
  5. Teacher training: Invest in teacher training programs that focus on modern pedagogical techniques and encourage educators to be facilitators of learning rather than exam-preparation guides.

While schools should undoubtedly prepare students for exams and assessments, they should also aim to foster a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom. It’s time to reconsider the purpose of education and ensure that our schools prioritize the development of well-rounded, inquisitive individuals who are not just proficient in studying but are passionate about learning and applying their knowledge throughout their lives.


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