RPSC RAS Prelims 2025 Admit Card Released Now

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission has officially declared that the admit card for the Preliminary Examination of Rajasthan Administrative Services 2025 is out. The admit card for the examination will be released today, January 30, 2025, on the official website of RPSC. Candidates who have registered for the RPSC RAS recruitment examination can download their admit cards through the official portal.
The preliminary examination of the RPSC RAS is scheduled to take place on 2nd February, 2025. The exam is one of the primary selection processes which helps aspirants who want to be a part of Rajasthan’s civil services. It is also considered a gateway exam that scrutinizes candidates according to their general knowledge and aptitude. It is designed as an objective-style examination with a total of 200 marks. The examination is set at a bachelor’s degree level and is essentially meant to be a qualifying test, which would serve more as a filtering tool, to narrow down candidates for the main examination.
The duration of the RPSC RAS Preliminary Examination would be three hours. The exam structure is objective type, which comprises multiple-choice questions. The areas of subjects are going to be vast, so candidates have to achieve the required cut-off in the preliminary test to get eligibility for the main exam. Students who get a cut-off score will be allowed to sit in the main exam, which is going to deal with the specific subjects that would be needed to handle the civil services positions.
The RPSC RAS exam is very competitive, with thousands of candidates competing for a few positions. After qualifying for the preliminary exam, candidates have to perform well in the main exam to qualify for the next stage, which includes the personality test and viva. Candidates must score at least 10% in every paper of the main exam and at least 15% aggregate in all papers to be considered for the final personality test and viva. This is because only the best and most deserving candidates should reach the final round of the selection process.
For the ones preparing for the RPSC RAS exam, it is crucial to get acquainted with the pattern of the exam and the process for downloading the admit card. The admit card will be a necessary document to gain entry into the examination hall. Without the admit card, no candidate will be allowed to sit for the exam. Therefore, all registered applicants who were successfully enrolled under the RPSC RAS Recruitment shall follow these procedures to download the admit card for the recruitment test and not miss it by any chance and report to the test venue.
In order to download the RPSC RAS Prelims 2024 Admit Card, visit the main official website, that is, rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. A link will be provided. Clicking on the relevant link will redirect them to a page where they need to input their login credentials. These include the registration number of the candidate, date of birth, and all other relevant details. After the entry of necessary information, candidates can submit their details.
After submission, their admit card will appear on the screen. It is important for candidates to cross-check all of the mentioned details on the admit card. It includes their name, photo, date of the exam, time, and the exam center. If one finds any error in the mentioned details, then it should contact the RPSC helpline or concerned authorities as soon as possible to resolve the given error before their exam day. Once they have done cross-checking on the admit card, they should download and print it for further reference. It is advisable to print multiple copies to avoid any last-minute issues.
They are also advised to visit the website for any specific instructions or further updates on the exam. In case of a change in schedule, location, or other such important details regarding the exam, it is imperative to be informed about it. By following these steps, the candidates will be well-prepared for the exam and can, therefore, give their best shot on the test day.
Hence, the RPSC RAS Preliminary Examination 2025 is a great event for all those who want to join the civil service in Rajasthan. The issuance of the admit card is quite crucial in this stage too. Therefore, the candidates are advised to download it promptly, correct all mistakes, and prepare for the exam. Candidates will have to work hard and take all the guidance from the RPSC seriously in order to succeed in the examination scheduled for February 2, 2025. This exam is the gateway to a successful career in Rajasthan’s administrative services, and hence it is a very serious challenge that needs to be taken very seriously.