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NTA To Release JEE Main 2025 Answer Key Soon


NTA To Release JEE Main 2025 Answer Key Soon


The National Testing Agency (NTA) is set to release the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2025 Session 1 provisional answer key. This examination was conducted between January 22, 2025, and January 30, 2025. Candidates who appeared for the examination can access and download the provisional answer key with response sheets by visiting the official website of the NTA. In order to obtain their respective documents, candidates will need to log in using their application number and date of birth.

In the examination, the answer key will provide all the answers pertaining to the questions and the response sheet will contain all the answers marked by the candidates during this test. Using both the answer key and the response sheet, the candidates will be able to give a rough idea of the scores that they have secured in the exam. This is an important step because it enables candidates to get an early idea of their probable results before the actual results are declared. Moreover, the provisional answer key released provides candidates with the scope to raise objections if they find any discrepancies in the answers provided.

JEE Main 2025 Session 1 was conducted across 598 exam centers in 284 cities within India and 15 cities abroad. Official reports show that 13,78,232 candidates were registered for the test, out of which 13,00,273 appeared in both Paper 1 and Paper 2. This makes it a phenomenal 94.4% attendance percentage. The exam was held on a Computer-Based Test (CBT) model except for Drawing Test in JEE (Main) Paper-II, which followed the old system of pen and paper.

Several security measures were adopted by the NTA to ensure a safe and smooth examination process. They used live CCTV cameras, biometric authentication of candidates, installed mobile jammers at all exam centers, and made sure that an adequate number of city coordinators and observers were deployed to closely monitor the examination process and thus keep it free from any kind of hassle during the examinations.

Apart from conducting the JEE Main, the NTA conducted the UGC NET December 2024 examination from January 3 to January 27, 2025. The total registered candidates across 558 exam centres spread across 266 cities were 8,49,166. The total attendance of 6,49,490 candidates was recorded in the test, which put up a record of 76.5%. Like JEE Main, the UGC-NET exam was also conducted in CBT mode with tight security arrangements to ensure the sanctity of the examination.

The release of the provisional answer key for JEE Main 2025 Session 1 is a big relief for the candidates who are waiting for their results. The exam is one of the most competitive entrance tests in the country for entry into some of the most prestigious engineering institutes in the country, including the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and National Institutes of Technology (NITs). The provisional answer key would hence be a very crucial step as it would help candidates make better sense about their performance and prepare accordingly for further academic pursuits.

Candidates will be advised to scrutinize the provisional answer key carefully and cross-check it with their response sheets. In case of any mistake, objection can be made within a stipulated time frame set by the NTA. The final answer key will be uploaded by NTA after considering objections raised by the candidates, and the result will be declared on its basis.

As the education landscape becomes increasingly competitive, the NTA’s commitment to maintaining transparency and efficiency in the examination process is commendable. The release of the provisional answer key and the provision for candidates to raise objections demonstrate the agency’s efforts to ensure fairness and accuracy in the evaluation process.

Candidates are advised to visit the official NTA website frequently for any updates on the release of the answer key, response sheets, and further instructions. This will help them prepare for the next course of action, whether it is preparing for JEE Advanced, looking for alternative academic courses, or guidance on future career paths.

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