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Street Clear Of Stress This Exam Season With 8 Easy To Inculcate Habits

Examination feature story

Street Clear Of Stress This Exam Season With 8 Easy To Inculcate Habits


Exam time is one of the most stressful periods of the whole year for students. No matter what exam they are preparing for, anyone can get cold feet, experience underconfidence, and even uneven patterns in daily life. It is natural to feel that way as it is the test of a student’s resilience and preparation but at the same time taking care of oneself physically and mentally should not take a backseat.

It is said, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body and to give the best performance in exams the students need to take care of themselves physically. While sitting at a desk crunching through pages and concepts, students often lack physical movement which can have unideal consequences.

Moreover, lack of physical movement and constant sitting at a desk can also create an unhealthy mental state of students. So not only are the physical and mental well-being connected, inculcating fitting habits to manage them together can go a long way not only during exam time.

So, here are eight practices that could relax students and help them study better:

Short Meditation
Stress before exams is a common occurrence but to deal with the feeling students can try short meditation. The process of meditation has been scientifically proven to amplify focus and relaxation by training the mind.

A student must practice meditation to improve their focus and concentration, relax their mind, improve problem solving and cognitive function, among other things.

Eat, Sleep, Repeat
While meditation can help relax the mind, there is no better solution to get the creative juices pumping than a good night’s sleep. And what prompts a good night’s sleep? Fulfilling meals.

A student who is preparing for exams must adhere to a healthy diet which fulfils their body’s needs. Not having proper meals or having too heavy meals can interfere with the cycle of digestion and sleep. After a hard day of learning, a good meal followed by a timely sleep can help keep the mind sharp and focused on the goals.

Got To Stay Hydrated
While this might go without saying, consuming an ample amount of water is necessary. Remember intake of water cannot be replaced with coffee and tea, while students may like these drinks, they cannot provide the nutrients of a glass full of water.

According to multiple researches, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances can also cause headaches. Moreover, not only is having adequate amounts of water necessary, it is also noteworthy that too much of anything is not good and moderation is the key.

Physical Activity
Sitting at a desk, mugging up what an 1800s poet wanted to convey through crimson drapes or practicing those not-so-easy-to-crack trigonometric theorems, students often forget to get up and do physical activity which leads to harmful effects. Some simple physical activities like stretching, short walks, brief exercise sessions, and getting some sunlight, can help improve the mood while breaking the monotony.

Talk To Your Loved Ones
The lonesome feeling that hits with the stress of exams leaves the students in a frenzy of mind. But what is something that could drag away the blues? Having regular heart-heart conversations with loved ones. While the pressure of exams is real, students must not forget that their family and friends understand them and they also have battled with similar pressure at different points in their own lives.

Some may also prefer talking to a professional like a therapist, but the important thing to understand is that asking for help is better than crumbling under pressure. It is also necessary to accept that not everyone may have the same process of dealing with things and that is alright. Everyone is unique and can find their own groove.

Musical Breaks
Speaking of groove, a study conducted at the Stanford University School of Medicine in 2007 helped depict that listening to music while studying or learning can help the brain process the information faster. But the study also highlighted that listening to classical music helps focus on the work at hand as the brain does not need to process the spoken words or lyrics.

Furthermore, some people might be able to focus better with their favourite singer’s voice, students can find their own method. Taking small breaks for listening to some beloved songs can also help relax the mind.

Organisation, Scheduling and Revision
One thing that works is knowing that the lessons for the exams are right on schedule. Students can create various flow charts of their day, weeks, and lesson plans to follow thoroughly. This will help them stay on time and keep a track of everything. Having colourful charts around the study area with the schedules can also prove to be helpful. While organising or scheduling it is to not forget that the revision is an integral part of the learning process.

Manifestation and Visualisation
Lastly, manifestation, a word that has gained traction in the social media world, along with a dash of visualisation of a better tomorrow can help fasten the relaxation process. This can be inculcated while taking the short meditation break and give the student some time to clear their aims and aspirations.


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