JEE Main 2025 Exam Schedule And Pattern Announced
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the schedule and exam pattern for JEE Main 2025, Session 1, Paper 1 for BTech aspirants. Candidates who have registered for the exam can now access the official website to review the detailed schedule and align their preparation strategies accordingly.
According to the official notification, the JEE Mains examination will take place across multiple centres in cities nationwide, along with 15 international cities. This widespread arrangement allows candidates to appear both within India and abroad. The pattern of the examination for Paper 1 (BE/BTech) and Part I of Paper 2 (BArch and BPlanning) is divided into two parts. Section A consists of MCQs, while Section B is based on numerical value-based questions where candidates are expected to calculate and provide accurate answers. There will be negative marking for wrong answers in both parts. So, there is a strong emphasis on the accuracy and careful preparation of students.
The examination for Paper 1 is scheduled to be conducted on January 22, 23, 24, 28, and 29, 2025, in two shifts. The first shift will be conducted between 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and the second shift between 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Meanwhile, Paper 2A for BArch, Paper 2B for BPlanning, and a composite test for both will be conducted on January 30, 2025. It will take place in the second shift between 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
Candidates are strongly advised to check the updates from the NTA website, as the same holds the most crucial information that one should not miss. After analyzing the exam pattern and schedule thoroughly, aspirants can plan their preparation effectively, thereby increasing the chances of getting success in JEE Main 2025, which is very competitive.