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CSIR UGC NET December 2024 Exam Schedule Released


CSIR UGC NET December 2024 Exam Schedule Released


The National Testing Agency (NTA) has recently released the exam schedule for December 2024 CSIR UGC NET exam. The candidates will be qualifying for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) eligibility and Assistant Professorship. All the three exams will be scheduled from February 28 to March 2, 2025. Candidates appearing for the exams will have options to write either in Hindi or English as exercised during the submission of their forms. It is now rescheduled from the previously announced dates, February 16 to February 28, 2025.

This examination will be held in a computer-based test (CBT) and will follow a structured two-shift schedule all through the exam days. The first shift will run from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m., while the second shift will be from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. The shift will last three hours. The five broad areas tested by the examination include Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences encompassing Atmospheric, Ocean, and Planetary Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences.

February 28: Morning shift is assigned to Mathematical Science and Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean, and Planetary Science. In the afternoon shift of the same day, candidates who will appear for Chemical Science will sit for their examination. On March 1, the Life Sciences examination will be conducted in both morning and afternoon shifts. On the last day, March 2, the Physical Sciences examination will be held in the morning shift.

As part of exam preparation, NTA will issue a city notification slip prior to the examination. It will notify the candidates about their assigned examination cities and shift timings. Post this, admit cards will be made public, through which the candidates are mandatory to enter the exam hall. Candidates are informed to keep visiting the official website, https://csirnet.nta.ac.in, in order to be updated and get their city notification slips and admit cards downloaded in time.

To check the exam schedule, candidates will visit the official website and click on the link provided for the CSIR UGC NET December 2024 exam schedule. A new window will open that will provide a minute-to-minute detail of the schedule. It is advisable that candidates download and print a copy for future reference.

The CSIR UGC NET exam is a critical step for candidates who wish to obtain a Junior Research Fellowship or become an Assistant Professor in India. Moreover, the successful candidates can get direct admission to PhD programs in their respective fields. The exam is very tough and covers all aspects of the subject matter, so aspirants must be well-prepared.

This ensures a smoother and more efficient examination process for the NTA to conduct the exam in CBT mode. Candidates will benefit from the streamlined format that also reduces logistical challenges, but they are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the CBT format to ensure that they can navigate the online platform effectively during the test.

The release of the exam schedule has sparked renewed focus among candidates, who are now intensifying their preparation efforts. With only a few weeks remaining until the exam, thorough revision and practice are crucial. Coaching centers and online educational platforms are expected to see a surge in demand as candidates seek additional guidance and resources.

Now, countdown for CSIR UGC NET December 2024 examination reminds the aspirant to mark on all important releases and stick accordingly to the one given by following the schedule punctually. Keeping all things updated in preparation schedule will make any attempt for attempting this examination absolutely successful.


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