UGC NET 2024 Provisional Answer Key To Release Soon

The National Testing Agency (NTA) is likely to release the provisional answer key for the UGC NET 2024 December session exam shortly after the conclusion of the exams held between January 3 and January 27, 2025. Candidates who appeared for the exam can download the answer key from the official website Along with the answer key, candidates will also be able to view their recorded responses and the questions asked during the exam.
The UGC NET December 2024 exam was held across 558 centers in 266 cities of the country. It received a total number of candidates to be around 8,49,166, and the examination was attended by 6,49,490 candidates. As per NTA, this makes an overall attendance rate of 76.5%. Candidates with different backgrounds appeared for this year’s exam in order to become eligible for the post of assistant professor in any university and for other research-related positions.
The provisional answer key will be very important for the candidates, as it will enable them to compare their responses with the correct answers. However, if the candidates find discrepancies or errors in the provisional answer key, they can challenge it. The NTA will provide a limited window during which candidates can raise objections to the answer key. In order to submit challenges, candidates must pay a processing fee of Rs 200 per question, payable in a non-refundable manner. Payments can be made using credit cards, debit cards, net banking, or UPI, among others.
Challenges received without the requisite processing fee will not be considered. Only submissions through the prescribed modes of payment are accepted by the NTA. Once the window closes for the challenge, objections are verified by subject experts. If those corrections are valid, they would be included in the final answer key that would then form the basis of counting results. So, after that verification process, the final answer key is released, and the results will be declared on the basis of the same.
Candidates are asked to carefully read the provisional answer key since the document will help in determining if their answers were correct or otherwise. In cases where discrepancies arise or incorrect answers are identified, they should appeal within the prescribed timeline since challenges submitted will not be refunded their submission fee. Moreover, they must present their objections in the correct format and follow proper procedure, for challenges sent by alternate means or after due date will not be accepted.
The recorded responses and the exam questions are expected to also be displayed together with the provisional answer key for candidates to cross-check against their respective answers. This is done in order to keep the results transparent, and provide the candidates with all they need to know about their performance right before the publication of the final results.
Apart from the official website for downloading the answer key, candidates may refer to the official notifications and announcements of the NTA in case of updates on the challenge procedure and deadlines. The provisional answer key will be a handy tool for most candidates who would like to gauge their performance even before the results are declared. The NTA wants to ensure that the assessment process is fair and accurate by giving them the opportunity to challenge any discrepancies.
After the review and verification of all challenges by the expert panel, the NTA will release the final answer key; and on that basis, the results for the UGC NET December session 2024 will be declared. Candidates will then be able to check their final scores and prepare accordingly for the next steps in their academics and careers.
The UGC NET is an examination very essential for people who want to join the teaching profession and subsequently do their respective research work. It will help someone qualify for becoming a lecturer or getting fellowships in research. Hence, for many candidates, provisional answer key release is a great moment as they look forward to knowing the confirmation of how well they performed in this important exam.
The release of the provisional answer key for UGC NET 2024 is, therefore, eagerly awaited by all the candidates who have appeared in the December session examination. Being given the scope to challenge the key and then having the confirmation of their response accuracy, it is a process that is not only fair but also transparent. Candidates are advised to download the answer key, raise challenges, and check for the final answer key and results update very carefully following the guidelines provided. The NTA wants to ensure that candidates get a proper and authentic evaluation of their performance in this national-level examination.